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Here are a few classic and creative ways to express gratitude:

1. Handwritten card.

When was the last time you received a handwritten card? I'm sure it had an impact. Try this tried & True old school method of connecting and making a difference.

Handwritten Card

2. Call and say thank you

Just the sound of your voice conveys a personal tone that email and text alone can not convey. Make it personal and specific. For example: "Thank you for always sharing new ideas and being a positive voice in the room" or "I appreciate your helpful feedback".

Call and Say thank you

3. Food and Drink with a twist.

What better way to say "I appreciate you" than showing up with a coffee, snack, or meal? If you're able to do it, you know it will be appreciated.

Food and Drink with a Twist

4. Visual Journey map

Celebrate the success of an individual or your team through a customized visual journey or history map. Turning points, stepping stones, and milestones become powerful anchors of learning, and values when captured into a compelling visual journey. You can follow a simple journey format like this, or one of our team can map it with you.

Visual Journey Map

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