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About Me:
- Journey into Visual Facilitation
- With a passion for exploring the intersection of wellness tools and visual expression, Tim Hamons has been a pivotal force in the field since 1991. As an American Citizen residing in Singapore, Tim's journey unfolds through a myriad of experiences, setting up Art of Awakening in 2011 with his wife Irene to transform meetings and conversations through interactive visual storytelling.
- Connecting Across Continents
- Tim has not only spoken but deeply connected with audiences across South East Asia, including Japan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Australia, and Singapore, leaving a trail of visual inspiration.
- Igniting Creativity, Connection, and Collaboration through Visual Facilitation
- Igniting Creativity, Connection, and Collaboration through Visual Facilitation
Speaking Engagements:
Geographical Reach:
Around the World with Tim
Explore the map or list showcasing Tim's extensive speaking engagements, traversing regions and countries. Each pin on the map signifies a chapter in Tim's global journey.
Book Information:
The World of Visual Facilitation: A Global Collection
Tim takes pride as one of the co-editors of "The World of Visual Facilitation," a global collection of stories, strategies, tools, and frameworks shared by 54 contributing authors. Delve into the insights and wisdom encapsulated within this collaborative masterpiece.
Visual Artwork:
Journey Through Visual Creations
Immerse yourself in Tim's visual creations, a testament to the power of visual thinking. From sketches to murals, each piece narrates a unique visual story, capturing the essence of Tim's expertise.
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