Here are a few classic and creative ways to express gratitude:
1. Handwritten card. When was the last time you received a handwritten card? I'm sure it had an impact. Try this tried & True old school...
Here are a few classic and creative ways to express gratitude:
Life as an Ongoing Narrative: The Art of Flow
Put a Bench in Your Garden for Reflection: Visual Tools & Metaphors to Boost your Coaching Pract
Alternatives to Live Graphic Recording at your Event
From Visual Ideas to Visual Synthesis: Graphic Facilitation Master Class Module 3, Strate School of
Visual Community by Art of Awakening & Viz U
Visual & Modular Storytelling with “Accounting in a Box”
Book Sprinting: Sharing Stories and Working Collaboratively with Visual Facilitators from Around the
Art of Awakening at ASSAP Conference
Here’s why clients love our work, and why we love doing it!